Chelation Therapy

A. Chelation therapy is a medical treatment used primarily to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. It involves the administration of chelating agents—chemical substances that bind to heavy metals, forming a complex that can be excreted from the body through the urine. The most used chelating agent is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which is effective at binding metals like lead, mercury, copper, iron, and calcium.

Originally developed during World War II as a treatment for arsenic and lead poisoning among naval personnel, chelation therapy has since been explored for various other health conditions. It is most prominently discussed as an alternative treatment for cardiovascular diseases, purported to help remove calcium deposits from arteries, although its effectiveness and safety for such uses remain subjects of debate and ongoing research.

In addition to its use in treating heavy metal poisoning, some practitioners use chelation therapy for conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, and other chronic health issues, though these uses are not widely supported or validated by the mainstream medical community. Due to potential side effects and the need for careful monitoring of the patient's condition, chelation therapy should only be administered by qualified healthcare professionals.

A. Chelation therapy works by introducing chelating agents into the body, typically through an intravenous (IV) infusion, although some forms can be administered orally or through injections. These chelating agents are special chemicals that can bind to metal ions. Once bound, they form a stable complex that can be safely excreted from the body through the kidneys and urine. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how chelation therapy functions:

Binding of Metals: Chelating agents have molecules that can form several bonds with a single metal ion. When introduced into the bloodstream, they seek out and bind to metals (such as lead, mercury, iron, and arsenic) present in the body.

Formation of a Complex: Once the chelating agent binds to the metal, it forms a complex that is chemically stable. This complexation prevents the metal from reacting with other elements or cells in the body, thereby reducing its toxicity.

Excretion: The complex formed by the chelating agent and the metal is water-soluble, which allows it to be easily filtered by the kidneys and then excreted from the body through urine.

The most commonly used chelating agents include:

  • EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid): Effective against a broad range of metals and used primarily for lead poisoning and in some cases for heart disease by purportedly removing calcium deposits from arteries.
  • DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid): Used mainly for lead, mercury, and arsenic.
  • DMPS (Dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid): Often used for mercury and arsenic poisoning.

The effectiveness of chelation therapy depends on various factors, including the type of metal involved, the specific chelating agent used, and the overall health of the patient's excretory system. While chelation is a standard treatment for heavy metal poisoning, its use in other conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases or autoimmune disorders, remains controversial and is not widely endorsed by the medical community without further evidence.

A. Chelation therapy typically involves a series of steps from the initial consultation to the actual treatment sessions and follow-up care. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

Initial Consultation

  • Medical Assessment: The doctor conducts a thorough medical history review and physical examination.
  • Testing: Tests such as blood and urine tests are performed to determine levels of heavy metals and to assess kidney function and overall health.
  • Discussion of Risks and Benefits: The healthcare provider explains the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives to chelation therapy.

Treatment Planning

  • Determining the Regimen: Based on the test results, the doctor will decide the type and dosage of the chelating agent, as well as the number and frequency of treatment sessions.
  • Scheduling Sessions: Treatment sessions are scheduled. Chelation therapy often requires multiple sessions over weeks or months.

Treatment Administration

  • Preparation: The patient may be asked to fast or follow specific dietary guidelines before treatment.
  • IV Infusion: The most common method of administration is through an IV infusion, which can last from 1 to several hours, depending on the chelating agent and the condition being treated.
  • Monitoring: Throughout the infusion, the patient's vital signs are closely monitored.

Post-Infusion Care

  • Observation: Immediately after the infusion, the patient is observed for any adverse reactions.
  • Hydration: Patients are often advised to drink plenty of fluids to help flush the chelated complexes out of the body.

Ongoing Assessment

  • Follow-up Tests: Additional tests may be conducted periodically to assess the effectiveness of the therapy and monitor for potential side effects.
  • Adjustments: The treatment plan may be adjusted based on the patient’s response to therapy.

Completion and Long-Term Care

  • Evaluating Treatment Success: Once the treatment series is complete, the effectiveness is evaluated through repeat testing.
  • Long-Term Monitoring: Depending on the severity of the initial condition and the patient’s overall health, long-term monitoring for metal exposure and health status may be recommended.


  • Maintenance Sessions: In some cases, especially where ongoing exposure to metals is possible, maintenance sessions may be scheduled.

It is crucial for the therapy to be carried out under the supervision of a medical professional experienced in chelation therapy, as improper use can lead to serious complications, including kidney damage, electrolyte imbalances, and allergic reactions.

A. In chelation therapy, several chelating agents are used to bind and remove specific metals from the body. Each agent has a particular affinity for certain metals and is chosen based on the patient’s specific needs and the metals involved. Here are some of the most used chelating agents:

EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)

  • Metal Affinity: Effective at chelating lead, mercury, copper, iron, and calcium.
  • Uses: Widely used for lead poisoning and in research for treating cardiovascular diseases by removing calcium deposits from arteries.

DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid)

  • Metal Affinity: Particularly effective for lead, mercury, and arsenic.
  • Uses: Often used for treating children with lead poisoning due to its safety profile and effectiveness.

DMPS (Dimercaptopropanesulfonic acid)

  • Metal Affinity: Highly effective for mercury and arsenic.
  • Uses: Commonly used in cases of mercury poisoning, including from dental amalgam and environmental exposures.


  • Metal Affinity: Primarily binds to iron.
  • Uses: Used to treat iron overload conditions, such as thalassemia and hemochromatosis, and acute iron poisoning.


  • Metal Affinity: Selective for iron.
  • Uses: Used in chronic iron overload diseases typically from repeated blood transfusions.


  • Metal Affinity: Effective against copper, lead, mercury, and arsenic.
  • Uses: Traditionally used in the treatment of Wilson's disease (a disorder of excess copper) and used in rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Metal Affinity: Primarily targets copper.
  • Uses: Another treatment option for Wilson’s disease, used as an alternative to penicillamine.

These agents are administered under careful medical supervision, often in a hospital or specialized clinic setting, due to the potential for significant side effects and the need for careful monitoring of the patient's response to treatment. The choice of chelating agent, dosage, and treatment regimen depends on the specific type of metal poisoning, the severity of the condition, and the individual patient’s health profile.

A. Chelation therapy is primarily used to treat cases of heavy metal poisoning. Specific medical conditions and situations where chelation therapy is employed include:

Lead Poisoning:

  • One of the most common uses of chelation therapy is to treat lead poisoning, particularly in cases where blood lead levels are dangerously high.

Mercury Poisoning:

  • Chelation therapy is used to remove mercury, which can be accumulated from various sources including fish consumption and dental amalgam fillings.

Arsenic Poisoning:

  • This can occur through contaminated water, certain occupational environments, or accidental ingestion.

Iron Overload (Hemochromatosis):

  • In conditions where there is excessive accumulation of iron in the body, chelation therapy helps in reducing iron levels.

Copper Overload (Wilson's Disease):

  • A genetic disorder leading to copper accumulation in the liver, brain, and other vital organs. Chelation therapy assists in removing excess copper.

Aluminum Overload:

  • Particularly in patients with kidney failure where aluminum accumulation occurs due to the intake of aluminum-containing compounds or dialysis-related exposures.

Although less commonly and more controversially, chelation therapy is also explored for other conditions:

Cardiovascular Diseases:

  • Some practitioners use chelation therapy (particularly with EDTA) for atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular conditions, claiming it can remove calcium deposits from arteries and improve blood flow. However, the effectiveness and safety of chelation for these conditions remain debated and not widely endorsed by the mainstream medical community.


  • Some alternative medicine proponents suggest chelation therapy can treat autism by removing mercury and other toxins, supposedly linked to the development of autism. This use is highly controversial and not supported by scientific evidence.

Other Chronic Conditions:

  • There are claims that chelation therapy can help with conditions like Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, but these are not supported by robust scientific data and are generally considered speculative and experimental.

The use of chelation therapy should be carefully considered and undertaken only under the supervision of a medical professional trained in its use, as it can cause serious side effects if not properly managed.

A. Chelation therapy is primarily known and medically approved for its effectiveness in treating heavy metal poisoning. Below are the established benefits and some of the controversial or speculative uses along with the evidence supporting these uses:

Established Benefits of Chelation Therapy

Heavy Metal Poisoning:

  • Evidence: Strong clinical evidence supports the use of chelation therapy in the treatment of acute and chronic heavy metal poisoning, particularly for lead, mercury, arsenic, and iron. Chelation therapy has been shown to significantly reduce levels of these metals in the body, alleviating symptoms and preventing further toxic damage.

Controversial or Speculative Uses

Cardiovascular Disease:

  • Evidence: The TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy) funded by the NIH found that chelation therapy might reduce cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes who have previously suffered from a heart attack. However, these findings are considered preliminary, and the therapy is not widely accepted in the medical community for treating heart disease due to mixed evidence and methodological concerns of the studies. Further research is required to confirm these results and establish a clear benefit.

Autism Spectrum Disorders:

  • Evidence: Some proponents of chelation therapy suggest it can remove mercury and other toxins, which they claim are linked to the development of autism. However, scientific evidence does not support this claim, and medical bodies generally advise against this use due to a lack of efficacy data and concerns about potential harm.

Neurodegenerative Diseases (like Alzheimer's):

  • Evidence: The use of chelation therapy for conditions such as Alzheimer's is based on the hypothesis that removing metals like aluminum and mercury could alleviate symptoms. However, there is no substantial scientific evidence supporting this approach, and it remains speculative and experimental.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

  • Evidence: Some studies suggest that chelation therapy can reduce inflammation, which is believed to play a role in various chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease. This hypothesized benefit is thought to arise from the removal of metals that catalyze oxidative reactions leading to inflammation. However, conclusive evidence for this benefit is lacking.


The evidence supporting the non-standard uses of chelation therapy varies widely, with cardiovascular benefits being the subject of ongoing debate and further study, while uses in conditions like autism and Alzheimer's lack robust scientific backing and are generally discouraged by the medical community.

When considering chelation therapy for any condition, it is crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and to discuss these with a knowledgeable healthcare provider. The therapy should be administered under strict medical supervision to minimize risks, as it can be associated with side effects such as kidney damage, electrolyte imbalances, and allergic reactions.

A. Chelation therapy, while beneficial for certain medical conditions, carries potential risks and side effects, especially if not administered properly. Here are some of the common risks, side effects, and contraindications associated with chelation therapy:

Common Side Effects

  • Burning sensation at the injection or infusion site.
  • Fever and chills.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), especially in diabetic patients as some chelating agents can affect blood sugar levels.

Serious Risks and Side Effects

  • Kidney damage: Some chelating agents can be nephrotoxic, particularly if administered improperly or in too high doses.
  • Hypocalcemia: Certain chelating agents (like EDTA) can bind to calcium and lead to dangerously low blood calcium levels, which can result in muscle cramps, convulsions, and cardiac irregularities.
  • Bone marrow depression: Rare but serious, this condition can lead to decreased blood cell production.
  • Allergic reactions: These can range from mild itching to severe anaphylactic reactions.
  • Electrolyte imbalances: Chelation can disturb the balance of minerals in the body, potentially leading to medical issues such as heart rhythm problems.
  • Blood pressure changes: Hypotension (low blood pressure) can occur during infusion treatments.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Chelation therapy is not recommended as it may affect fetal development or pass into breast milk.
  • Kidney impairment: Patients with existing kidney problems should avoid chelation therapy as it can exacerbate kidney function decline.
  • Heart failure: Certain chelating agents can exacerbate heart conditions.
  • Tuberculosis: Some forms of chelation therapy can worsen tuberculosis.

Special Considerations

  • Age: Elderly patients and children may be more susceptible to side effects and may require adjusted dosages or closer monitoring.
  • Multiple health conditions: Patients with multiple chronic conditions need careful assessment to avoid adverse interactions between their conditions and the chelation therapy.

It's essential that chelation therapy be administered by a healthcare provider experienced in its use, as improper application can significantly increase the risk of serious side effects. Patients should always undergo a comprehensive evaluation and continuous monitoring throughout the treatment process to manage any emerging risks or complications effectively.

A. A chelation therapy session is a carefully monitored medical procedure, typically administered in a clinic or hospital setting. Here are the detailed steps that are typically followed during a session:


Medical Review:

  • The healthcare provider reviews the patient’s medical history, recent lab tests, and any current medications to ensure the safety and appropriateness of the therapy.

Pre-Session Evaluation:

  • Vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and temperature are checked.
  • A brief physical examination may be performed to check for any new or worsening conditions.


IV Line Setup:

  • A nurse or a trained healthcare professional inserts an intravenous (IV) line into a vein, usually in the arm or hand.
  • The insertion site is cleaned with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection.

Infusion of Chelating Agent:

  • The chosen chelating agent (like EDTA, DMSA, or others) is mixed in a specific fluid, typically a saline solution.
  • The solution is administered slowly through the IV. The rate of infusion can vary but typically takes about 1 to 3 hours, depending on the dose and the patient’s tolerance.


During Infusion Monitoring:

  • Continuous monitoring of the patient's vital signs is conducted throughout the infusion to watch for adverse reactions such as low blood pressure, heart rate changes, or signs of allergic reactions.
  • Patients are often asked about their comfort level and symptoms like headache, nausea, or any unusual feelings.


Immediate Post-Infusion Care:

  • Once the infusion is complete, the IV line is removed, and the insertion site is cleaned and bandaged.
  • The patient is observed for a short period to ensure there are no immediate post-infusion complications, such as dizziness, hypotension, or signs of an allergic reaction.


  • Patients are encouraged to drink fluids to help flush the kidneys and aid in the excretion of the chelated metals and excess chelating agent.

Follow-Up Instructions:

  • Instructions are given regarding signs and symptoms to watch for once at home, such as signs of infection at the injection site, fever, or any other unusual symptoms.
  • Patients are typically advised to monitor their hydration levels and may be given specific dietary instructions.


Subsequent Monitoring and Testing:

  • Follow-up appointments are usually scheduled to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy and to check for any delayed adverse effects.
  • Further blood tests may be done to assess metal levels, kidney function, and other relevant parameters to determine the need for additional sessions.


Documentation of the Session:

  • All details of the session, including the type and amount of chelating agent used, the duration of the infusion, any adverse reactions, and the patient’s response to treatment, are documented in the patient’s medical record.

Each chelation therapy session is tailored to the individual's specific medical needs, and the exact protocol might vary based on the chelating agent used, the metals being targeted, the patient's medical history, and their current health status.

A. The duration and frequency of chelation therapy sessions can vary significantly depending on the specific medical condition being treated, the type of chelating agent used, the severity of the metal toxicity, and the individual patient's response to treatment. Here’s a general overview:

Duration of Each Session

  • Intravenous (IV) Chelation: Most commonly, IV chelation therapy sessions last between 1 to 3 hours per session. The rate of infusion is carefully controlled to ensure patient safety and efficacy of the treatment.
  • Oral Chelation: When oral chelators are used, the treatment is taken daily in pill form, and the "session" is essentially the daily dosage taken at home.

Frequency of Treatment

  • Acute Metal Poisoning: In cases of acute heavy metal poisoning, chelation therapy might be administered daily or several times a week initially. The frequency is often high due to the urgent need to reduce metal levels in the body.
  • Chronic Conditions: For chronic exposure or conditions like cardiovascular disease where chelation is used more experimentally, the therapy might be scheduled once or twice a week.

Total Number of Sessions

  • Short-Term Treatment: For acute poisoning, the number of sessions depends on the severity of the poisoning and how well the patient's body responds to the therapy. Treatment continues until metal levels are reduced to a safe range, which may be achieved within a few weeks to months.
  • Long-Term Management: In cases such as chronic heavy metal exposure or non-standard uses like cardiovascular treatment, chelation therapy may be part of a longer-term management plan. This might involve regular sessions spaced over many months or even years.

Monitoring and Adjustment

  • Follow-Up Testing: Regular monitoring through blood tests or other diagnostic tools is essential to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and guide the adjustment of therapy frequency.
  • Adjustments: Based on the results of ongoing monitoring, the frequency and number of sessions may be adjusted. For example, if the levels of metals decrease satisfactorily, the frequency of sessions might be reduced.

Example Schedule

For illustration, a typical course for treating chronic lead exposure might involve:

  • Initial Phase: IV chelation therapy twice a week for the first month.
  • Maintenance Phase: Once a week or bi-weekly sessions following the initial intensive phase.

It’s important to note that chelation therapy should only be conducted under the supervision of a healthcare provider experienced in its use. The treatment plan should be tailored to individual needs and regularly adjusted based on therapeutic outcomes and side effects.

A. The cost of chelation therapy can vary widely depending on several factors, including the geographic location, the facility where the treatment is administered, the type of chelating agent used, and the number of sessions required. Here’s a general breakdown:

Factors Influencing Cost

  • Type of Chelating Agent: Different chelating agents can vary in price. For example, EDTA is generally less expensive than other agents like DMPS or DMSA.
  • Method of Administration: Intravenous (IV) therapy is usually more expensive than oral chelation due to the costs associated with the IV setup and the need for a healthcare professional to administer the treatment.
  • Number of Sessions: More sessions mean higher total costs. The total number of sessions needed can depend on the severity of the condition being treated and how the patient's body responds to the therapy.
  • Healthcare Setting: Costs can be higher in specialized clinics or hospital settings compared to outpatient or office settings.

Average Cost Estimates

  • Per Session Cost: The cost for a single IV chelation therapy session typically ranges from $100 to $300 in the United States. However, this can be higher in certain locations or specialized facilities.
  • Oral Chelation: Oral chelators are generally less expensive, with monthly supplies costing between $50 to $100, depending on the specific medication and dosage.
  • Total Treatment Cost: The total cost of a full course of chelation therapy can range widely, from a few thousand dollars to over $10,000, depending on the total number of sessions and the specific treatment plan.

Insurance Coverage

  • Coverage Variability: Insurance coverage for chelation therapy varies significantly. Most insurance providers cover chelation therapy for FDA-approved uses, such as heavy metal poisoning (like lead or mercury toxicity). However, coverage for other uses, particularly those considered experimental or alternative (such as for cardiovascular disease), is often limited or non-existent.
  • Pre-authorization: For conditions where chelation therapy is covered, insurance companies often require pre-authorization to ensure that the therapy is medically necessary and being administered according to accepted medical guidelines.

Additional Costs

  • Testing and Monitoring: Costs associated with regular monitoring and testing before, during, and after the therapy can add to the overall expense. These might include blood tests to monitor metal levels and kidney function.

Because of these variables, it's essential for patients considering chelation therapy to consult with their healthcare provider and insurance company to get a more accurate estimate of the costs involved and to understand what, if any, portion of the treatment might be covered by health insurance.

A. Finding a qualified and experienced practitioner for chelation therapy involves several important steps to ensure you receive safe and effective treatment. Here’s how to go about it:

Check Medical Credentials

  • Board Certification: Ensure that the practitioner is a licensed medical doctor (MD) or a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) who is board certified in a relevant specialty, such as toxicology, cardiology, nephrology, or family medicine.
  • Special Training: Look for practitioners who have undergone additional training in chelation therapy and are certified by reputable organizations such as the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM).

Look for Specialized Organizations

  • American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM): ACAM offers training in chelation therapy and maintains a directory of practitioners who are trained in and practice chelation therapy.
  • International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology (IBCMT): This organization certifies doctors specifically in metal toxicology, which includes chelation therapy.

Seek Recommendations

  • Ask Your Doctor: If you’re considering chelation therapy for a specific medical condition, ask your primary care doctor or a medical specialist for recommendations.
  • Patient Reviews and Testimonials: Check online forums, social media, and health websites where patients share their experiences with specific practitioners.

Consult Professional Listings and Directories

  • Medical Directories: Use reputable medical directories such as Healthgrades, WebMD, or the official state medical board’s website to find and verify the credentials of doctors who specialize in chelation therapy.

Evaluate the Practitioner’s Experience

  • Experience with Specific Conditions: Ensure that the practitioner has experience treating patients with conditions similar to yours using chelation therapy.
  • Research Publications: Check if the practitioner has contributed to research or publications on chelation therapy, which can indicate a deeper understanding and commitment to the field.

Schedule a Consultation

  • Initial Consultation: Before starting treatment, arrange a consultation to discuss your medical history, the specific reasons for seeking chelation therapy, and what you can expect from treatment.
  • Ask Questions: Use this opportunity to ask about the practitioner’s experience, the risks and benefits of the therapy, the expected number of sessions, and the overall costs.

Verify Insurance and Costs

  • Insurance Coverage: Check if the practitioner accepts your insurance and whether chelation therapy is covered under your plan for your specific condition.
  • Out-of-Pocket Costs: Understand any potential out-of-pocket costs, including fees for the therapy sessions, additional tests, and follow-up appointments.

By thoroughly researching and vetting potential practitioners, you can ensure that you find a qualified professional who can provide high-quality care tailored to your specific health needs.

A. Yes, there are several books and publications that provide a range of perspectives on chelation therapy, from clinical guides focused on its medical application to discussions about its use in alternative medicine. Here are some recommended readings:


  • "Detox with Oral Chelation: Protecting Yourself from Lead, Mercury, & Other Environmental Toxins" by David Jay Brown and Garry Gordon: This book offers insights into the use of oral chelation therapy to remove toxins, particularly heavy metals, from the body. It discusses the science behind chelation, the different chelating agents used, and potential health benefits.
  • "The Chelation Way: The Complete Book of Chelation Therapy" by Dr. Morton Walker: Dr. Walker's book is one of the older texts on this topic, providing an overview of chelation therapy, including its history, mechanisms, and applications in various health conditions.
  • "Chelation Therapy and Your Health" by Keats Publishing: This publication provides a concise look at chelation therapy, including its effectiveness and safety considerations.

Scientific Journals and Articles

  • Journal of American College of Cardiology: Look for articles related to the TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy) studies, which provide critical insights into the use of chelation therapy for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Environmental Health Perspectives: This journal offers articles on the environmental aspects of heavy metal exposure and the role of chelation therapy in addressing these issues.
  • The Lancet: As one of the leading medical journals, it occasionally publishes articles and studies on the efficacy and outcomes of chelation therapy in treating heavy metal poisoning and other conditions.

Online Resources

  • PubMed and Google Scholar: These platforms are excellent for searching peer-reviewed articles and clinical studies on chelation therapy. You can find detailed research articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses discussing various aspects of chelation therapy.

Medical and Health Organizations

  • American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM): ACAM provides resources and training in chelation therapy and often publishes materials and hosts conferences on the latest research and developments in the field.
  • National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI): The NCBI offers a comprehensive database where you can search for scientific papers and articles on chelation therapy.

When exploring these resources, it's important to critically assess the date of publication, the authors' credentials, and the scientific rigor of the studies to ensure you are getting accurate and up-to-date information on chelation therapy.

Alternative Treatments For Heart Disease

Q. What are some alternative treatments for heart disease?

A. Alternative treatments for heart disease include lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, stress management), supplements (omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10), and therapies like acupuncture, meditation, and chelation therapy. These methods aim to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of Chelation Therapy

Q. What are the benefits of chelation therapy?

A. Chelation therapy is used to remove heavy metals from the body, which can help improve symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, cardiovascular disease, and other conditions. It may also enhance blood flow, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.

Cardiovascular Chelation Therapy

Q. What is cardiovascular chelation therapy?

A. Cardiovascular chelation therapy involves using chelating agents to remove calcium deposits and heavy metals from the bloodstream, potentially improving blood flow and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Certified Chelation Therapist

Q. What is a certified chelation therapist?

A. A certified chelation therapist is a healthcare professional who has undergone specialized training and certification to administer chelation therapy safely and effectively.

Chelation Therapy

Q. What is chelation therapy?

A. Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body.

Chelation Therapy Clinics

Q. What are chelation therapy clinics?

A. Chelation therapy clinics are specialized medical facilities where patients can receive chelation therapy administered by trained professionals.

Chelation Therapy Doctors

Q. Who are chelation therapy doctors?

A. Chelation therapy doctors are medical professionals trained and certified to administer chelation therapy. They often have backgrounds in integrative or alternative medicine.

Chelation Therapy FDA Approval

Q. Is chelation therapy FDA approved?

A. The FDA has approved chelation therapy for treating heavy metal poisoning, but its use for cardiovascular diseases and other conditions remains controversial and is not universally accepted.

Chelation Therapy For Autism

Q. Can chelation therapy be used for autism?

A. Chelation therapy has been explored as a treatment for autism, but its effectiveness and safety for this purpose are not well-supported by scientific evidence, and it is not widely recommended.

Chelation Therapy For CAD

Q. How is chelation therapy used for coronary artery disease (CAD)?

A. Chelation therapy for CAD involves using chelating agents to remove calcium deposits and improve blood flow in the coronary arteries. Its effectiveness is still under investigation./p>

Chelation Therapy For Heart Disease

Q. Can chelation therapy treat heart disease?

A. Chelation therapy may help treat heart disease by removing heavy metals and calcium deposits, potentially improving cardiovascular health. However, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy.

Chelation Therapy For Heavy Metal Poisoning

Q. What is chelation therapy for heavy metal poisoning?

A. Chelation therapy for heavy metal poisoning involves using chelating agents to bind and remove heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic from the body, reducing their toxic effects.

Chelation Therapy Near Me

Q. How can I find chelation therapy near me?

A. You can find chelation therapy clinics and certified therapists near you by searching online directories, consulting with your healthcare provider, or contacting professional organizations for recommendations.

Chelation Therapy Research

Q. What does chelation therapy research say?

A. Research on chelation therapy is ongoing, with studies exploring its effectiveness for various conditions, including cardiovascular disease and heavy metal poisoning. Results are mixed, and more research is needed.

Chelation Therapy Services

Q. What services are provided in chelation therapy?

A. Chelation therapy services include initial consultations, blood tests to determine heavy metal levels, administration of chelating agents, and follow-up care to monitor progress and ensure safety.

Chelation Therapy Side Effects

Q. What are the side effects of chelation therapy?

A. Side effects of chelation therapy can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, low blood pressure, and kidney damage. It is important to have the therapy administered by a qualified professional.

Chelation Treatment

Q. What is involved in chelation treatment?

A. Chelation treatment involves the administration of chelating agents, usually through an IV, to bind and remove heavy metals from the bloodstream. Treatment plans vary based on individual needs and conditions.


Q. Is chelotherapy the same as chelation therapy?

A. Chelotherapy is another term used for chelation therapy, referring to the same process of using chelating agents to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Cost of Chelation Therapy

Q. What is the cost of chelation therapy?

A. The cost of chelation therapy can vary widely depending on the provider, location, and number of sessions required. On average, it can range from $75 to $125 per session.

Detox Therapies

Q. What are detox therapies?

A. Detox therapies aim to remove toxins from the body and improve overall health. They can include chelation therapy, dietary changes, supplements, and other holistic approaches.

EDTA Chelation

Q. What is EDTA chelation?

A. EDTA chelation involves using the chelating agent EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) to bind and remove heavy metals from the bloodstream. It is commonly used for treating heavy metal poisoning and cardiovascular disease.

Environmental Medicine

Q. What is environmental medicine?

A. Environmental medicine focuses on the interactions between the environment and human health, studying how environmental factors contribute to

Functional Medicine

Q. What is functional medicine?

A. Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of disease, often incorporating treatments like chelation therapy and personalized lifestyle changes.

Heavy Metal Detox

Q. What is heavy metal detox?

A. Heavy metal detox involves using various therapies, including chelation therapy, to remove heavy metals from the body and reduce their toxic effects on health.

Integrative Medicine

Q. What is integrative medicine?

A. Integrative medicine combines conventional medical treatments with alternative and complementary therapies, such as chelation therapy, to provide a holistic approach to patient care.

IV Chelation Therapy

Q. What is IV chelation therapy?

A. IV chelation therapy involves the intravenous administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals and toxins from the bloodstream, commonly used for treating heavy metal poisoning and cardiovascular conditions.

Lead Poisoning Treatment

Q. How is lead poisoning treated with chelation therapy?

A. Chelation therapy for lead poisoning involves administering chelating agents that bind to lead in the bloodstream, allowing it to be excreted from the body and reducing its toxic effects.

Metal Detoxification Therapy

Q. What is metal detoxification therapy?

A. Metal detoxification therapy uses chelating agents to bind and remove heavy metals from the body, helping to reduce their toxic effects and improve health.

Natural Detox Therapies

Q. What are natural detox therapies?

A. Natural detox therapies include dietary changes, herbal supplements, and lifestyle modifications designed to support the body’s natural detoxification processes and improve overall health.

Oral Chelation Therapy

Q. What is oral chelation therapy?

A. Oral chelation therapy involves taking chelating agents in pill or liquid form to remove heavy metals from the body. It is less invasive than IV therapy but may be less effective for certain conditions.

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