Intravenous (IV) Therapy At Patients Medical we can create an IV therapy protocol to specifically address your medical and lifestyle needs, from nutrition supplementation and treatment of migraines, to respiratory ailments, chronic conditions, and many more.
Anti-Aging and Longevity Treatments Remember when you were in college and stayed up all night drinking beer, eating pizza, and partying; yet you still were able to attend class in the morning? How many of you could do that now?
Based on your evaluation, symptom complex, stage of Lyme disease infection, and presence of co-infection, a supplemental regimen possibly comprising micronutrient, vitamin, neurotransmitter, and bioidentical hormone support may be recommended, as well as any one or a combination of the following herbs and phytotherapeutic formulations.
Transfer Factor LymPlus™
Please be aware that supplements for treating Lyme disease can have very powerful effects.
Many natural products can interact with pharmaceutical medications.
Supplements should be used to treat Lyme disease only under the guidance of an experienced integrative health care practitioner.
Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™
Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™ is helpful for patients with a weak immune system. Regular use under a doctor's supervision is found to be effective. Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™ is a daily-use immune support product. For healthy people it promotes healthy NK (natural killer) cell levels, keeping "bugs" at bay. For immune-compromised individuals, it assists the body in bringing NK cell levels to where they need to be for optimal health. As Transfer Factor works at the cellular immunity level (as opposed to humoral immunity), it does not stimulate the immune system. Transfer factors act as chemical messengers to alert the body's naïve T-cells to recognize any foreign bodies that may be found in the body.
Plant medicines are very good at addressing some of the more subtle imbalances that occur in immune function, and are additionally able to target specific problems that occur in certain areas of the body or within certain body systems. The following medicinal herbs represent a sampling of those plant species most useful in Lyme disease treatment protocols.
This list of medicinal plants used to support patients with Lyme is by no means all-inclusive. Many more natural support supplements are available to assist in the treatment of Lyme disease and its related co-infections.
To add a word about the effectiveness of a given herb, the active components have in many cases been identified and standardized to therapeutic dosage in available formulations, to ensure consistency and potency. As long recognized in traditional healing arts such as African, Chinese, Ayurveda, Native American and European herbal medicine, there is often a synergistic efficacy that a given herbal treatment provides that is greater than its individual active constituents. It is often true that the total effectiveness of a given herb is actually greater than the sum of its active parts. This should not be surprising as flora (plants) and fauna (animal life) have co-evolved over millions of years and are likely more closely interrelated than commonly recognized in modern medicine.
The effects of chronic Lyme disease can significantly affect your health, livelihood, and overall well-being. Conventional antibiotic therapy may provide an initial sense of relief, but if your symptoms should return, continue, or worsen in spite of conventional therapy, as they do in many Lyme sufferers, broadening your therapeutic options is a worthwhile step toward restoring both your health and your sense of well-being.
At Patients Medical we draw upon both modern and ancient healing arts to tackle the oft-times bewildering problems chronic Lyme disease presents in our patients. Our team of Lyme experts can develop a personalized, integrative treatment protocol designed to optimize your long-term health and support you in countering the symptoms and detrimental effects of Lyme disease.
Our job at Patients Medical is to listen, to connect the dots between a patient's medical history, symptoms, and their underlying causes. Patients Medical is a superb place for women and men to secure integrative and holistic health care from providers who give personalized care, partner with the patient to focus on the root cause of their illness, support their recovery, and help them maintain good health.
To make an appointment with one of our physicians, please call us at 1-212-794-8800. We look forward to hearing from you.